Friday, 12 June 2009

Carol Malia - The Bundle of Joy is Delivered.

Crusty was delighted this evening to discover that the North East of England's jewel in the crown, Her Serene Highness Carol of Malia, has given birth to an absolutely gorgeous baby girl; Anna Margaret.

Juicy Jeff Brown shared a wonderful picture with the region - complete with soft cloudy edging - of the elated parents with their 7lb 5oz new addition. At first, I thought the cloudiness was due to over indulging on the gin, but Chu Me confirmed it was a photographic affect.

One never knew that our poppet was married to such a studmuffin; the lovely Gary! One thing is for sure with two parents genetically laden with such gorgeousness, little Anna will certainly grow up to be a beautiful individual and be talented beyond all her parents hopes and aspirations.

My faitfhful houseboy, Chu Me, has sent word to his mother in her Haitian prison cell. She is disappointed that she was not able to knit some luxurious baby clothes as planned but after "the incident" it became impossible. Instead, last night, there was rejoicing from all corners of her institution with ticker-tape flying everywhere. At first, the guards thought there was a riot until they were informed of the joyous news and realised it was merely a celebration and, naturally, joined in.

Crusty wishes Carol and Gary and wonderful future with their little angelic addition. She will always have a fairy Godmother looking out for her.

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